These are extremely simple to make. All it is is an extruded object in a radial cloner + a sphere.
I love, love, love the cloner object so much! 👏🏻 Instead of thinking of how the flower will look as a whole, I try to focus on a single petal and go from there.

This is what the spline looked like for the petal. Just two points, extremely simple. Once the spline is perfect, I put it into an extrude object. For this piece, I set the extrude to 20cm to make it extraaaaa plump. ✨ I also put a round bevel on the edges to smooth it out and make it look more like “clay”.

Once the extruded object is complete, throw that sucker into a cloner. The mode I used was radial. This duplicates all the petals and will place them perfectly around a central point. For style purposes,
I kept them pretty tight and almost fused together to ensure there were no gaps between the petals. The radius was set to 0 to get this effect. I also added some slight rotation on each petal to give it some more dimension.
Then I just added a sphere in the center to cover the point where all the petals met

The snake took a bit longer to figure out. LOL. But I used another one of my favorite tools in Cinema 4D – sweep nurbs! I use this tool for a lot of various effects - 3D typography, animating single points, and now to make snakes. I think I love it so much because I get to use splines.